We talk Fashion 

Two important fashion conferences took place: the German Modehandelskongress in Düsseldorf and the Topmode Conference in Copenhagen where the who is who from the fashion industry came together – two events Esprit Group CEO Anders Kristiansen clearly could not miss.

With his presentation “Loving our Customer – a customer centric strategy as a way forward” Anders Kristiansen was in good company. Jürgen Hahn, CFO Marc O’Polo, Alexander Zerdick from Google Germany and Jonny Ng from Zalando gave inspirational presentations on industry-related topics – only to mention a few top speakers of the congresses.

Keeping the busy high streets alive

The focus lay on discussing the challenges the fashion industry faces: E-commerce is booming, and stationary retail trade has difficulties keeping up. How can the two sales models benefit from each other? 330 top managers and experts from the fashion industry found answers and discussed ideas and inspirations.

It’s all about the customer
 And they all agree. Making sure customers feel well looked after and offering them a ‘reason why’ for shopping specific items is key to success.