Produce responsibly
Responsible for the planet


Closing the loop requires the responsible management and the safe use of all production inputs, such as chemicals, and the control of all production outputs and emissions, such as wastewater and – eventually – the product itself.

Esprit Detox Commitment

In December of 2012, we signed the Greenpeace Detox Commitment, starting our effort to phase out eleven groups of hazardous chemicals from our supply chain.

To achieve “zero discharge of hazardous chemicals by 2020”, we launched a major Detox program within our supply chain. The program is based on building awareness and knowledge among our wet processing suppliers about chemical and environmental management, process control and wastewater testing. 

Our progress

Greenpeace’s assessment of our performance, published in the most recent July 2018 Detox Catwalk report, highlights the positive progress we have made so far.

Our Buying and Sourcing teams play a very important role in achieving our targets, e.g. wastewater testing as well the social compliance performance of factories. Therefore, we have included targets in the bonus agreements with our people in procurement.


Esprit chemical standards
Environmental audits
Case studies on chemical substitution
Wastewater testing
Safe products